I’ve been thinking about starting a blog where I will put pictures of my two kittens London and Addison Blaine – but I’m not really ready to do that yet. I don’t really have anything musical to write about today because it would take a bit longer to throw together, so instead of writing about music… here’s a picture of my cat:

My baby boy London

This is London my 2-month-old kitten being beautiful.

The other day I posted an article about Kate Reid that got a few likes. Another one of her songs that I really like is called Starving Artist and I feel bad about not really writing a music post today so I’m going to link a video of that song here for you. Hope you like it!

Cheers from London and me!

Oh yeah – my brother Thomas reminded me that the Feist song I wrote about earlier was modified for use on Sesame Street. Enjoy! 🙂


  1. I first heard about Feist on National Public Radio. The thing I like about the SS version of 1234 is that it is much simpler and the audio is cleaner. I really love the dancing in the original. Sessame Street and its CTW friend The Electric Company have a lot of great music about numbers, friendship, and the fact that the silent e turns can into cane.

  2. Silent e’s can be difficult in English.
    What program was she on? Fresh Air?
    I don’t know why the audio is so bad on an official music video… it seems really strange. My recording is a lot clearer. The dancing definitely makes up for the audio – so great!
    I’m not a huge fan of the lyric changes in the SS version. It actually gets a bit annoying but… I guess I’m not the target audience in this case. 🙂

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